
Friday, 9 September 2016

New life, new bike: Is a Harley-Davidson Switchback the right choice for South Africa?

Harley Davidson FLD Switchback 2014. 
Well it's been a while since I posted here...

And lots has happened - I've spend few years in Dubai since 2012 - bikeless as it really 'ain't the right place for regular bike usage - and now here I am in South Africa, thanks to a job transfer.

The immediate attraction of the job offer - apart from more sensible temperatures - was the chance to get a bike back into my life.

And one of the first things I did was set about finding the right machine.

I took ownership this week of a 2014 Harley-Davidson FLD Switchback - the Dyna chassis with a sixties' Duo-Glide look that came up at the right money.

South Africa's massive and I felt something comfy with a bit of touring ability would fit the bill. Took a look at the